Application form for US professors teaching with a Mexican partner.


US faculty requirements:

§ Be affiliated to a US university,

§ Select a Mexican teaching partner from the PIC US-MX                            bulletin to offer together a course with a COIL component. 

§ Have digital and technological capabilities.

§ Be enthusiastic for innovative, collaborative, interdisciplinary and international teaching experiences.

§ Have experience in instructional design and availability of time for the course to be taught for incorporating the COIL methodology and monitoring all the activities of the program.

§ Commit to participate in the training workshop on the COIL methodology and design the COIL component that will be offered jointly with the US teaching partner.

§ Commit to teach a course implementing a COIL component, and preparing the reports requested for the evaluation of the program

U.S. Higher Education Institutions requirements

The institution of affiliation of U.S. faculty members that participate in the PIC US-MX must:

§ Provide the pedagogical and technological support needed by faculty members to participate in the program and recognize the academic value of their participation in the internal institutional evaluation system.

§ Commit to promote internationalization at home, providing support to participants in this project with the collaboration of staff from its Office of International Affairs.


(for U.S. faculty):

1. Select a Mexican teaching partner from the bulletin of participants in the PIC US-MX.
2. Apply to the PIC US-MX for U.S. Professors.
3. Your case will be considered by the selection committee and you will receive by email, the result of the evaluation of your proposal.
4. If you are accepted into the program, select with your teaching partner the dates for participating together in the COIL Design workshop.
5. Register to the COIL Design workshop at:
Please note that seats are limited.  You will receive an email to confirm your acceptance for selected dates.
6. Once you finish the design of your COIL component, you are ready to start the PIC US-MX experience with your Mexican teaching partner.